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Problems involving exact differentials : Exercises


A differential, df=C1(x,y)dx+C2(x,y)dy, is exact if it has the following property: 2fxy=2fyx Furhtermore, if the differential is exact then we can write df=(fx)ydx+(fy)xdy. The exercises that follow involve learning how to test differentials for exactness and how to solve partial differential equations involving exact differentials. The exercises below should be completed as follows:
  1. If you click on the first box below you will find a complete worked solution to the question it asks.
  2. The second box in the first section contains a set of comprehension questions that should be answered by looking through the worked solution that was given to the first problem.
  3. The boxes in the second question contain problems for you to work on. Only the final solution is given when you click on the question to reveal an answer.
  4. The two questions in the final section involve applying what you have learnt about exact differentials to thermodynamics.

Example problems

Click on the problems to reveal the solution

Problem 1

An exact differential, df=C1(x,y)dx+C2(x,y)dx, has the following important properties: 2fxy=2fyx Furthermore, df=(fx)ydx+(fy)xdy for an exact differential. Two final useful results can be obtained by comparing coefficients of dx and dy in df=C1(x,y)dx+C2(x,y)dy and df=(fx)ydx+(fy)xdy. These two results being of course: (fx)y=C1(x,y)and(fy)x=C2(x,y) We can then insert these results into 2fxy=2fyx to obtain: (C1y)x=(C2x)y In the example given in the question C1=(yx2)(C1y)x=1 C2=(x+y2)(C2x)y=1 du is thefore an exact differential because (C1y)x=(C2x)y. We can find u using indefinite integrals. We know that: (ux)y=yx2(uy)x=x+y2 We can thus integrate along the x axis (i.e. keeping y fixed) and get the following. (yx2)ydx=yx13x3+k(y) where k(y) is some unknown function of y. Similarly: (x+y2)xdy=yx+13y3+c(x) For the above two functions to be consistent the functions c(x) and k(y) must be equal to: c(x)=13x3k(y)=13y3 Hence: u(x,y)=13y3+yx13x3+C
  1. For an exact differential, df=C1(x,y)dx+C2(x,y)dy, C1(x,y) is the partial derivative of f with respect to x and C2 is the partial derivative of f with respect to y. In other words, (fx)y=C1(x,y) and (fy)x=C2(x,y)
  2. .
  3. For an exact differential (C1y)x=(C2x)y because, as discussed in the previous part, C1(x,y) and C2(x,y) must be equal to the first partial derivatives of f(x,y) with respect to x and y respectively. In other words, because C1(x,y)=(fx)y (C1y)x=(2fyx). In addition, C2(x,y)=(fy)x so (C2x)x=(2fxf). These two second-derivative, cross terms must be equal as df is an exact differential.
  4. By integrating along x we mean that we integrate along a path that is parallel to the x axis. Now obviously there is are an infinite number of paths that run paralle to the x axis - these paths differ in the value that y takes. The integral under each of these different paths will be different and as such the constant term depends on y.
  5. u(x,y)=13y3+yx13x3+C must be consistent with the integral obtained by integrating along a 1D path that runs parallel to the x axis, (yx2)ydx=yx13x3+k(y) and the result obtained by integrating along a 1D path that runs paralle to the y axis (x+y2)xdy=yx+13y3+c(x). To arrive at the final result we solve for the two functions k(y) and c(x) by setting these two integrals equal.

Problem 2

Problem 3

Rearanging the equation of state for the ideal gas that we were given in the question we find that: V=NkBTP We can thus write the differential dV as: dV=(VP)TdP+(VT)PdT=NkBTP2dP+NkBPdT The coefficients of P and T in this expression are thus C1=NkBTP2(C1T)P=NkBP2C2=NkBP(C2P)T=NkBP2 The above two partial derivatives are equal so dV is thus an exact differential. This agrees with our physical intuition. Volume is a state function so whenever the system is moved between two particular thermodynamic states the the total change in volume is the same. The path that is taken between these two states does not matter.
Taking the differential we obtained for dV in the previous part and multiplying it by P gives: PdV=NkBTPdPNkBdT We thus have: C1=NkBTP(C1T)P=NkBPC2=NkB(C2P)T=0 These two derivatives are not equal so PdV is not an exact differential. In actual fact the integral of PdV is equal to the total amount of PV-work that is done during the course of the transition between our thermodynamic states. The work done during the transition does depend on the path we take between the two thermodynamic states. For instance the ammount of work done when the system is not allowed to exchange heat with its surroundings will be diffent to the ammount of work that will be done when the system is also allowed to exchange heat with the surroundings. This result is thus in accordance with physical intutition once more.

Contact Details

School of Mathematics and Physics,
Queen's University Belfast,

Website: mywebsite