Overview: Statistical mechanics theory
- You should be able to state the principle of equal apriori probabilities.
- You should be able to state Khinchines axioms for information theory and you should be able to use these axioms to derive an expression for the information content of a probability distribution.
- You should be able to derive an expression for the probability of being in a particular microstate in the generalized ensemble by performing a constrained optimization of the information using Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers.
- You should be able to write out expressions for being in a microstate in the canonical, microcanonical, isothermal isobaric and grand canonical ensembles.
- You should be able to derive the equation of state for an ideal gas by first calculating the canonical partition function. You should also be able to explain the assumptions that are made about the particles of which the gas is composed in this model.
- You should be able to explain the equipartition principle and when this partition can be applied.
- You should be able to derive the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
- You should be able to discuss how the microscopic coordinates of the particles behave when a system undergoes a phase transition.